#r2bcheerful2 – Buddy Holly

OK, I was going to get smart with this one, but failed. Obviously I am not going to be able to take a photo of Buddy Holly, or even any memorabilia associated with his hometown of Lubbock, TX. I thought I’d be a smart ass and take a photo of some holly buds in my garden, but that was not possible either. Instead I looked up to see if there are any PD images I could use and I found one on Wikipedia from Brunswick Records. I restored it by removing the dust, blurs and the ripped sticker in GIMP, and then thought I’d get creative and turn it into a cyanotype and a  photochrom style image. I don’t know which I like best so I posted all together.


Whatever way you look at Buddy Holly certainly looks cheerful in this promotional image and his music is undoubtedly some of the most influential over the last six decades in forming rock and roll and subsequent genres, as well as helping define the whole relationship between bands, their managers and their record companies.

Buddy Holly – his music will always a reason to be cheerful!

#r2bcheerful #r2bcheerful2

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